Burns & Johnston CPAs specialize in helping both new and existing businesses reach their full potential. We offer The Startup Business Kit to assist NEW business owners understand the financial aspects of starting and running a business, as well as key Federal and State regulations. We also offer Successful Business to business owners that have been operating for a number of years. This book offers many insights and includes 57 ways to grow your business! Please contact our office today if you would like us to send a COMPLIMENTARY copy of The Startup Business Kit or Successful Business, or to schedule your NO COST, NO OBLIGATION business consultation.
Below you will find additional resources which provides useful information and may assist you with compiling your personal and business tax information.
Our Business Tax Organizer can facilitate the process of pulling together the tax information and operating expenses for your business. This tax organizer is designed for both new clients and existing clients and provides an easy way to organize your information. After completing the organizer, feel free to email, fax, or mail it back to our office prior to your appointment.
Client Tax Organizer
A tax organizer can facilitate the process of pulling together your tax information. This basic tax organizer is designed for new clients and allows you to enter your information right on the screen. You can then print the completed tax organizer and fax or mail it to the office. Current clients should contact the office to request a "proforma" tax organizer that includes prior year information and carryover data.
Federal Tax Forms & IRS Publications
Looking for a federal tax form? Browse this online tax forms library to find downloadable IRS forms. The forms are presented in PDF format and are acceptable for filing with the IRS. You may also choose from dozens of helpful tax publications developed by the IRS to help taxpayers have a better understanding of various tax issues. Available in PDF format, these publications are written in a plain language format geared specifically to taxpayers.